About Us
TECHFIT Digital Surgery is a Medical Technology company working in the surgical planning, design, and manufacturing of Patient-Specific Implants for craniomaxillofacial and orthopedic segments
Over 3200 cases delivered by our group of Engineers confirm our commitments with life-changing outcomes for patients.

Time & Cost effective
At TECHFIT we provide the digital transformation that surgeons need to increase surgical accuracy, to reduce surgical time with better outcomes and a to get a perfect fit for their patients. Our Digital workflow includes the most advanced surgical planning and the design and manufacturing of custom implant instrumentation .

TECHFIT in numbers
Satisfied patients
Broad experience in Cranial, maxillofacial, Orthopedics and Thorax reconstruction cases
Both public and private institutions trust in digital surgery benefits
Surgeons Trust Us
To reduce OR frustration with full case traceability and better outcomes
Where you can find digital surgery solutions with local distribution
Quality matters
the most
Patient comes first. Best Quality keeps solutions relevant over time. So we ensure that the customer and applicable regulatory requirements are determined and met.
Certificate US21/819944480
The Team
Effective teamwork is what makes TECHFIT digital surgery succeed. From the regulatory system, quality control, sales and marketing until the patient-specific implant designs, we work effectively across the organization to get tasks accomplished quickly enough to make custom the new standard

Process Leaders

Laura Buitrago
Technical Director
I maintain the quality management system, coordinate regulatory projects, and monitor the effectiveness of the actions originated from customer feedback and corrective actions. I formerly finished a Masters in Biotechnology and Bioengineering at Universidad Miguel Hernández, in Spain, with focus on Bone Tissue Engineering

Juan Sebastian Vanegas
Operations Director
I lead operation process which aims to accomplish an excellent service level to our customers, offering right efficiency, quality and costs in order to allow accessibility to our pacients. My team and I are in charge of transform a medical necessity in a real custom implant, which is the perfect mix between medical and industrial technical solutions.

Melisa Cardona
Growth Coordinator
I drive outbound marketing efforts and build strong brand awareness by creating relationships with distributors that leads TECHFIT to growth. With +5 years of experience in digital surgery market, I am in charge to develop and maintain valuable partnerships worldwide and to improve our level of customer service